Early Bird 2019 Special mention for directing


Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne, Switzerland


In a school class, some students exchange complicit glances. Silent and calm on the surface, a world of mockery and fury is hidden in their telephone conversations through their devices that they hide subtly. So when 'the new girl' arrives in the classroom, it is for them a new prey to indulge in.

Director: Moreno Cabitza

Director's bio

I am a genevan student of Sardinian and Caribbean origin.
I started directing through some videos amongst friends before joining the ECAL in 2015. I then made a documentary in Sardinia in my paternal village about a gas tank delivery guy, as well as "Mokuso", a fiction shot on only one avenue, the one I have now been living on for 19 years.


Writer and director Moreno Cabitza
Cinematography Alan Dupasquier
Editing Brandon Beytrison


Original title Mokuso
Runinig time 15'
Film type Fiction
Completion date April, 2018